Leaving school and full time education aged 16 armed with six O-levels, Ian is a self-taught and self-funded multi-media artist, working in music, film, animation, analogue electronics, instrument building, collage, installations, live performance, light show projection, graphic design, writing and film programming. He has made over 200 experimental films – one of the largest bodies of shorts in the world to feature electronic music soundtracks by one artist.
Ian coined the term ‘creative soldering’ to best define his ‘intuitive electronics’ approach, and since the 1990s he has designed and built a unique range of electronic tone generating machines – Hellitrons and Hellisizers – which he uses to realise his compositions.
Any filmmakers, choreographers, sculptors or visual artists with a project requiring an experimental electronic music soundtrack, please make contact directly via: ianhelliwell@yahoo.co.uk
With a particular interest in abstract animation, world’s fairs and electronic music, in 2011 Ian completed his first feature length documentary film Practical Electronica, looking at tape pioneer FC Judd. His reference book Tape Leaders – A Compendium of Early British Electronic Music Composers, was first published in 2016 with a new edition in 2021.
In November 2023 he began Synch Pulse, a series of free entry, experimental short film evenings which are continuing once a month with a different theme, at The Rose Hill in Brighton.
For news on the latest work and projects underway at Helliwell Industries, check Ian’s regular updates here: @IanHelliwell